Friday, June 24, 2016

Let Your Love Shine

It is 10:49pm

Today I finished making all my sliding bracelets.

I was going to add them to etsy, but when I finished the last one it was getting dark, and I really needed the sunlight for good pictures.

We are now on season six of The Amazing Race, and this season has started off ugly.

The Morale just took a huge downward slide, and I am just praying that if we make it on this show that we are able to play fair and not speak so nasty to each other.

I mean, I honestly think you can win this game without being a jerk, and I hope we can get on the show and prove it.

Oh, speaking of The Amazing Race, I worked on our shirts some more today, and we added lots more "angel baby" names and Levi suggested we add the names of the Victims at Pulse, since they are someone's children too! 

This is what our shirts look like so far:

The first photo is the front of Levi's shirt and the back of mine. 

My rainbow says "Let your love shine," and the clouds say "Orlando Strong."

The second picture is the front of my shirt and the back of Levi's shirt. In the word "strong" are all the names of the victims from The Pulse Shooting.

I am so excited and nervous about our auditions Sunday.

We only have one minute and we have to figure out what we are going to

I guess that is what we are doing tomorrow.

(but I am game for any suggestions ;) )

But for now...I probably need some sleep...I still have a little bit of sniffles and a cough...and it is late.

As you get bigger in your pictures, it gets harder for me to look at you.
Your smile makes me want to smile, or cry, or scream--I don't even know.
I am tearing up just looking at your sweet face right now.
I woke up early around 5am this morning and all I could think about was you and how unfair it all is that you aren't here with us.
I need this big adventure.
I need something big to match my love for you...
even though I honestly don't know that anything will ever be enough.

I love and miss you so much.
Good night my boogie <3

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