Wednesday, June 22, 2016


It is 9:46pm

I woke up today with my eyes crusted together, my head pounding, my ears hurt, and I still had a nasty cough...

I managed to get the kids to VBS and then I came home and slept until it was time to pick them up.

Then I went and picked them up and got lunchables for lunch and went back to sleep.

And I have pretty much slept all day.

My diet went out the window because I ate some soup, bread, sprite, and icecream.

I will have to start over on the plank challenge tomorrow if I feel better...

But I did get asked to do a guest blog for a kid's clothing company that is out of Australia today and talk about Elijah and The Love, Elijah Project, so that is pretty cool.

But yeah...mostly I just slept today.

Right now I am watching the season 4 finale of The Amazing Race with Levi and then it is back to bed...or at least that is the plan...I guess we will see.

Oh Elijah, I miss you so much.
When the kids are at Vacation Bible School and it is so quiet, 
all I can think about is how it shouldn't be.
You should be here.

I love and miss you more than you will ever know.

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