Monday, July 4, 2016

I Don't Hate Diaper Commercials

It is 1:58pm.

Julien is napping because he got in trouble.

Gabriel is quietly playing with some generic Lego pieces.

And Alex is playing his new tablet...

It is a quiet day.

I was just wasting time flipping through Facebook and I saw a post in a support group I am in and it breaks my heart a little.

So I needed to talk about it.

A lady wanted to fast forward through the "stupid" baby commercials for pampers or huggies or whatever...because she lost her baby and it is hard to watch other happy and healthy babies.

I'm sorry sweet momma....I know life is not fair. I know it all to well. There is not a day that goes by that I do not long to hold my sweet baby Elijah again.

And I get grieving parents we do not chose our triggers.

We all long to have and hold babies and jealousy can be a bitch....and never in a million years did I ever think anyone could hate anything associated with babies.

I don't think she really meant the babies are stupid.

Of course she didn't.

Just as I don't think mothers who still get to have and hold their babies are awful either....

And that is what breaks my heart the most...

I hate how  much grief can play tricks on your mind to make you no longer enjoy the things that should be enjoyable.

Yes you can chose to enjoy life again...and you can chose to try and not be bitter...but sometimes your brain and your heart cannot find a common meeting ground and it causes you to let your emotions win...and sometimes those emotions aren't very pleasent.

But here is my wish.

That we as a whole put more value into ALL babies.

Especially as grieving mothers...

If we want more rights for our babies and more people to see our babies as important (which they totally are), then we have to find a way to appreciate the joy and hope that babies bring in to the world.

I know I have my moments where jealousy sneaks in and makes it so hard...but I will never hate a pampers commercial or a mother holding a baby... And I will always fight my hardest to continue to love all mothers and babies because it is our love that has the potential to really change the world...

And I hope and pray everyday that others wake up to see the value in our babies and children, because they are "the most important work."

So for all of you who have ever held a child in your heart, in your womb, or in your arms...your babies (and children) are so loved and I am so thankful for each of them. And I am also thankful for you.

Oh sweet Elijah. 
I would give anything to hold you again.
But you are forever my baby and I am forever thankful for every single moment I got with you.
I hope the world will soon see the power that one sweet baby has to change the world.

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