Friday, July 8, 2016


It is 12:35am.

We just checked into our hotel in Texas because tomorrow we are attending Camp Cullin: a retreat from grief.

It is a camp that one sweet Angel momma and her family started in memory of her son Cullin for siblings who have lost a sibling.

I am so excited for the boys...and while I would normally not look forward to a 5 hour drive, tonight I am thankful for the time away from social media and all the craziness that is going on in the world.

I literally had a panic attack today from a very simple comment left on one of my posts.

I am not trying to make this about me, because  what happened to these men, and then what happened later to these police officers is much worst than my stupid panick attack...

Anyways...I have tried to stick with promoting love and that is what I will continue to do because that is what I believe makes a difference.

You can agree to disagree with me, and my way of doing things....and that is cool...

But as long as I respect you and don't bash you for your thought processes, please don't decide for me what is in my heart.

And I am going to leave it at that.

I love every single one of you...

And if you are feeling the weight of the world on your shoulders at anytime...please know I am always here for you and I mean that sincerely.

Better get some sleep....tomorrow is a big day.


Pray for our world. Pray for our black communities. Pray for open hearts and open minds and less judgement. Pray for it all. Pray for my family. And always always Pray for my sweet Elijah.

Hi sweet boy.
I picked some sunflowers and they smell heavenly.
That is what I imagine heaven to be...
A giant sunflower field and you.
I love you so much

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