Friday, July 1, 2016

on the road again...

It is 5:25pm.

We are on our way to Louisiana and have stopped at our usual spot waiting on dinner.

We are having to fuss at Alex about not listening.

And I am so tired of this.

I don't think he is a mean kid or has a bad heart, but this completely ignoring directions from me and Levi and sneaking behind our backs to do things he knows he shouldn't be doing is just killing me.

And I don't know what to do to make it stop.

We have tried everything that I can think of and I guess all we can do is just keep trying.

We are just going through so much and life has not gotten an easier for us. And the kids bad behavior is just adding to all the stress!!!

I mean I have learned a lot and accomplished a lot and please don't get me wrong...I am as trying to stay as positive as I can...but I haven't worked in like 3 months and our funding for The Love, Elijah Project has run dry and now I am starting to stress about finances.

Levi has done so great at the gym and is training to fight and then teach and I am super proud of the path he is on and I know we are on our way to a good is just the in between that scares me.

I was thinking of breaking down and talking to a Dr. about PTSD and seeing about getting on a temporary disability assistance program just until I am comfortable working again, but when I went to the doctor for my ulcer it cost me over $170 and that was before medicine...

Sorry for the super depressing blog... I just felt all of this weighing on my shoulders and I couldn't go the next 10 hours of driving without letting it out.

Just please pray for us if you don't mind. Pray for a safe journey, pray for a little bit of peace. Pray for a turn around in our finances. Pray for my children. Pray for the world. And always always Pray for my Elijah.

Oh sweet boy shine down us and give us some hope. I love and miss you so much 
Better get moving....


  1. How old is your child who is acting out? My four year old grandson is doing the same thing and driving his patents and others crazy. Are you a 501c3? If not, Ginny Limer and I can help. We are all in this together. Prayers to you and your family. God bless the Elijah Love Project. I have done random acts of kindness in Elijah's name. We are here for you,
    Barbara Baganz, Cullin's Grandmommy.

  2. I meant parents not patents. Lol.


1,520 days: Overwhelm.

It is 8:49am. Everyone is still asleep... I have my "happy light" shining into my  peripheral  vision, and my vitamins and medic...