Saturday, July 16, 2016

Two By Two

It is 9:45pm.

We are now in Baton Rouge with my mom.

Last night was an awful mess, but Levi stayed up with me and played games on my phone until I fell asleep to keep me calm...

And then of course there was thunder all night that kept waking me up.

But I drug myself out of bed this morning and we managed to still salvage some of the yard sale and make around $100.

I am trying to be thankful, even though it was nowhere near enough...

Anyways, after the rain, the weather was beautiful and a couple of people told me they saw a rainbow as they drove in.

One woman, who I think goes to yard sales just to get out of the house and talk to people, mentioned something about a sunflower clock she has hanging in her kitchen, and it made me think of Elijah.

And while I was sitting around waiting for more people to come I picked up a little pink book that turned out to be a Bible and it turned to the story of Noah and The Ark--which made me then think of Evan Almighty and both of our quests to change the world.

Of course, there is more behind the story of Noah and The Ark, but it does bring me back to that question of do callings really exist? And if so, how do you know for a fact something is your calling?

I am in the process of reaching out to a few people I know of to ask about their specific religious callings, but I would really like to hear about any and all types of callings if you have one.

And I will be adding some input from other articles and books as I try to figure out if my calling really is to be a nomadic hippie, and if it is what am I supposed to do with this knowledge...

Or maybe I will find I have a different calling, or no calling??? Who knows...

But whatever the outcome, it will never stop me from trying to change the world with acts of kindness for Elijah.

I have a short little story that a friend of mine shared with me about a time she followed her gut, against all odds, and it turned out to be a great decision  for her and her family. I want to share, because she shared it with me the other night in a message on Facebook and it brought me a little hope. (I am sharing with her permission):

I don't think this is the kind of "calling" you were talking about but I would like to share it with you.

When living in Florida, as you know it was just Dom Kira & I. Of course we had wonderful friends but that's not family & when you have kids that makes a huge difference. When we had Kira I swore we were fine & loved Florida (which we did at the time) & didn't need to move back home. However with each trip home, each holiday, each FaceTime call it became harder to be in Florida or leave NY to go back to FL.

It was hard financially as I was working 40+hrs & most of it going to daycare. Dom was only part time but working 5 days. We were struggling. I kept considering moving home but ignored it. Then we had issues with our downstairs neighbor who happened to work for the complex & then when our lease was up for renewal they didn't renew it without telling us until 6weeks before we had to be out.

& people thought I was crazy but I took that as a sign for my calling to go home. We literally has $12.24 to our name when we pulled up to my grandparents house. I was 7.5mos pregnant left my dr, we had no jobs to follow my gut. I've never looked back it was truly the best thing I could've done.

That winter Delfina was born with liver disease & I was at one of the best hospitals & she has gotten the best care.

Dominic got an amazing job in a union the month after.

I got an amazing job at an office I love with people I love.

My dad retired & watches the kids saving us money.

Though we still struggle at times with money or whatever I never ever regret following my gut.

Please don't ever feel silly for wanting to follow a calling...or your gut. You're an amazing mom & wife. You got this.

All my love xox"

Well, tomorrow we are going to spend the day in New Orleans as the kids birthday present from my I really need to get some sleep.

Please continue to pray for us as we get closer to our return to Florida...

Pray for our finances, pray for some little miracles...just pray for something.

And always always, pray for my sweet Elijah.

Oh sweet boy...whatever it is...this calling...or lack their of...
I will never ever forget this promise I made.
We will find a way to change this world for you.
I love and miss you so much.


  1. Don't you see my dear sweet friend. I think you found your calling. I think the #loveelijah project is your calling like scaredsidless is Ginny's. That doesn't mean it is all consuming at this time. Ginny and I are teachers for a job and scaredsidless for our passion. Your calling doesn't mean making money. It means affecting lives. You are doing that. Please don't get me wrong. No one can tell you your calling. I am just saying when I read this, I hear your passion. I will continue to pray for your family. Have you thought about a gofundme?

  2. I think God calls us to do whatever work He places in front of us. In my case, He has called me to raise my grandchildren. It isn't what I wanted to be doing at the stage of my life when I desperately needed peace and rest, but it's where God placed me. A "calling" is just that--whatever God calls us to do, even if we had other plans. And I think it's easy to discern because things will fall into place when it's God's will. I pray God will make clear what it is that He wants you to do.


1,520 days: Overwhelm.

It is 8:49am. Everyone is still asleep... I have my "happy light" shining into my  peripheral  vision, and my vitamins and medic...