Saturday, July 30, 2016

We are Going To Walk #Walkinghome17

It is 3:53pm.

Today has felt really long.

Not a bad thing.

It just means I have a lot of down time, I guess.

I got up at 7am and did my walk to the grocery store and back and then I brought the kids to the playground and read.

The playground was awesome. There was shade and some kids were having a birthday party and their family was giving out snowcones and popcorn to all the kids.

The boys were happy and so was I.

Julien sipping on his snowcone and being silly.

Then we came home and I started work on our Gofundme page for our transcontinental walk!

So, yep, it's official! 

We are doing it.

We are going to walk from Walt Disney World Orlando to Disneyland California to raise money to buy a house.

We have seven months to plan, and there are still some very serious decisions to make, like who will watch our kids because I have decided for time and safety issues, we cannot bring them. (Unless we bring the car and we alternate drivers, but that will be more expensive too)... So the big question is what will we do with the kids??? (Any family members/friends want to help us out? lol)

It will all come together. We have seven months to figure it out.

The walk will take us roughly 3 months and we are starting March 1, 2017.
(Date is subject to change due to Levi's mma training/fighting schedule, major weather concerns, or family issues, but we do plan on walking). 

I will be posting weekly updates on our Gofundme page and you can also follow the hashtag #walkinghome17 on instagram to keep up with my training.

You can donate now if you want, but I suspect the bulk of our donations will come in once we actually begin our hike across America.

However, if you want to visit the page now, it does have the story of how we became homeless on it, because I know a few of you were interested in that.

And I am asking that if you are interested enough to read the story of how we became homeless, then you be supportive enough to help share our story (and our gofundme page) because we do not have the money to pay for fancy PR specialist and advertising...and we need all the help we can get.

When it gets closer and I have a path mapped out, we will be looking for people who own places like restaurants and hotels who could maybe offer us discounts or freebies up along the way to make the trip more affordable as well. So be on the look out for that too! 

And YES, I realize that asking for $100,000 is ridiculous, but that is the cost of a house. 

Honestly, whatever we make under that amount will still be appreciated and will still be applied to some sort of housing for our family.

My family is really ready to move forward and have a home so we can focus on bigger and better things and make the world a better place for our children (including Elijah). We need to help ourselves so we can better help others.

And maybe I am a little bit crazy--but I can't imagine living a life where I continuously tell people to live their dreams and dream big, if I don't do it myself.

So dream big, live bigger, and do what it takes to make you happy.

As for me, I guess I have a lot of walking to do to train for my next crazy adventure.

Thank you for your understanding and support.

I think I am going to watch some Amazing Race and enjoy my Saturday.

Hi my sweet boy.
Hi my sunflower.

Look at those sweet toes and little hands.
Little dinosaurs and sweet sleep.
What more could a baby want?

I miss you so much Elijah.
Every single day.
I love you my boogie.

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