Saturday, September 17, 2016

373: six pages

It is 11:35pm.

I just finished putting the first six pages of my new Children's book into my computer and editing and adding texts.

While I am really excited about the book it also makes me nervous.

I am pretty hard on myself and my books are pretty different from others out there so it makes it hard to judge if what I am doing is "good" or not.

But I guess there is only one way to find out right?

The next pages are going to take me the longest to create as I will be recreating the Natchitoches Christmas Lights in paper cutout. Lol.

I might be a little overambitous on this so don't be surprised or disappointed if I decide to switch to paint dabs for lights instead.

And the story isn't about kindness like I thought it would is just a silly story about a little crawfish.

But one of my Christmas books will be about kindness.

I'm also thinking about doing like a hipster cat Christmas book. Lol. Should be fun.

Anyways it is a nice distraction from the real world right now, and I have named my little crawfish Eli, so I am still using my writing to spend time with Elijah. <3

And Gabriel loves to steal my little scraps of paper and play pretend with them while watching me work. He makes up his own stories and rambles them off to me while I cut and paste things.

Alex is at a friend's house for a sleepover and Julien is still up watching videos on my computer...Because I am a horrible mom and it is Saturday night Lol.

But we should probably all get to bed soon.

Good night.

Hey sweet boy. 
Stay close. 
I need you.
I miss and love you so much.
Tomorrow I am going to try and find the exact day we started doing acts of kindness for you every single day and send a little story about it off to the newspaper as a beautiful tribute to you.
But it is only a beginning. 
We have so much more to do.
A promise is a promise.

1 comment:

1,520 days: Overwhelm.

It is 8:49am. Everyone is still asleep... I have my "happy light" shining into my  peripheral  vision, and my vitamins and medic...