Sunday, September 18, 2016

374: One Year of Kindness Every Day in Memory Of Elijah

It is 8:28pm.

Lol. So you know how I was going to search for the date that we had started our acts of kindness everyday for Elijah?

Well, today is that day! One year ago today anyway.

So as of today we have done at least 366 acts of kindness in memory of sweet Elijah. And that is not counting all the additional ones done that I have not posted, or the extra ones we did on his birthday OR the amazing acts of kindness that you guys have done too!

Today I handed a homeless guy $1 who was out on the street corner trying to sell waters. I told him to keep the water of course, because he was pouring sweat.

I also put a inspirational card on a windshield, and put an inspirational quote with mints in an order I delivered at work today.

I wish I could do more today, but I promise you there is so much more coming. This is just a small stepping stone-- Actually, considering the year we have had this is a HUGE step in the right direction.

I am so proud of my sweet Elijah and the love and kindness he is bringing into the world. <3

We are truly being positive change to the world because of him.

In more exciting news, today was also the day I became an official "social media manager" for Cultivating Kindness, which is another also kindness campaign created by a family in loving memory of their son. 

Check out their facebook page here:

and their webpage here:

Anyways, today was a good day and I am thankful.

We are doing it Elijah.
We are changing the world in your sweet name.
I love and miss you so much. 

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