Sunday, October 2, 2016

388: Who They Are

It is 9:43pm.

Today is day two of the Capture Your Grief project 2016.

The theme for today is "Who They Are."

I shared this picture of Elijah and a poem I had written for him.

Day two: Who They Are

Tiny bites of pears.
A blanket made of bubbles.
Cries in the night.
All the warmth of cuddles.
Touch your nose.
Patty cake.
Sweet and sour sauce.
Ice cream.
Tiny feet.
Big smiles.
Little frowns.
Bouncy seat.
Rain on the tin roof.
Granny's house.
Little head.
Big heart.
My boogie.
Oldies in the morning.
Jewel in the evenings.
Yellow towels.
Pool time.
Kisses on the cheeks.
Thumb sucking.
Little brother.
Your heart.
Now gone.
All gone.
James Taylor.
A life too short 
It is not fair.
I miss you.


Today I thought I had finished putting my book But it looks like I still need to do some editing.

Other than that today was kind of relaxed. We went to visit Levi's mom and just kind of lounged around.

The boys checked out an audio book from the library and it has made traveling long distances so much nicer because it captures their attention and makes them a little less crazy lol.

Plus I get into the story too and it helps kills time.

I am enjoying our time at Levi's granny's house but I am really ready to get settled somewhere so I can get more active with my acts of kindness and outreach for the baby loss community.

But right now it is bedtime.

Oh sweet Elijah.
I love and miss you more than 
I could ever express in words.
You are so much more than I could
ever give you credit for.
And I will always love you more than I could ever miss you.

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