Tuesday, October 4, 2016

390: Support Circles

It is 9:39pm

Granny's house is way too quiet.

The boys are staying with Levi's mom tonight and while I am sure they are having a blast, I miss them like crazy.

I don't even know what to do with myself....most of my evening has been quietly wasted just trying to adjust to them not being here..and I am not even the least bit tired. So I can't just sleep.

Anyways, today was day four of The Capture Your Grief project.

Today's theme was support circles. This is the picture I chose to post (not mine), and what I said:

*not my photo 
Day Four: Support Circles.

I feel like I have failed at all my endeavours lately in trying to help others, but in spite of all of my trials I still have been blown away by the kindness and thoughtfulness of our friends, family members, and even strangers lately!!! I don't say it very often but I am so very thankful to all of you who have stuck with me, even when I am dreadfully depressing or a little crazy sometimes.

And while I may struggle with the absence of others, I promise that your compassion has not gone  unrecognized.

And to all my Angel Mommas and Angel Dads out there, Please know that I love you all and am ALWAYS here for you. You are never alone.  Once I get back on my feet I promise to get back to work at The Love, Elijah Project and make you all proud. I promise to continue to help tell the story of your sweet children. Together we will continue to #breakthesilence and show the world how much our children matter.

I'll stand by you. <3


Oh and I tried to go to the library here today to use the internet and upload my book to publish, and oh my gosh it was so slow...

I didn't get it done today, but maybe it will happen tomorrow.

I also found some paper on sale today for 2.50 that is perfect for the next Christmas book I am writing. This one is more for my kids. It is called "I Want to go to Hawaii for Christmas."

Maybe I'm dreaming a little, but it would be nice if I sold enough copies to bring them to Hawaii one day. They would love that. <3

Well, I think I'm going to try and find something to do...or at least find something that will fill the silence. It is driving me crazy.

I miss my crazy boys. They may drive me nuts, but they sure make me happy.

Please continue to pray. Pray for our world. Pray for my family. Pray for me. And always always pray for my sweet Elijah.

Also please say a prayer for all my friends in Florida as this hurricane draws near, and my stuff in storage. I know it is just stuff but Elijah's things are in that storage unit along with some items that can never be replaced. Thank you.

In the silence I can't help but think of how different it would be if you were here.
Would we even be in this mess?
What would our lives be like?
What would you be like?
It is too quiet.
I miss you so much.
I love you more.

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