Monday, October 10, 2016

396: Signs and Symbols

It is 8:26pm.

Today is day 10 of The Capture Your Grief Photo Project.

The theme for today was Symbols and Signs.

This is the photo I shared and what I wrote.

Day Ten: symbols and signs.

Elijah speaks to us in sunflowers, hearts, the letter "e", Linus, Batman and love.

I have had many other people tell me how they can't see a sunflower and not think of Elijah now.

He is everywhere, but I still miss him.


Today has been beyond stressful.

We went to our housing class and got our vouchers and that was fine, and we were feeling kind of hoping, but then we called every one on the list they provided and no one had anything available.

We also got a paper and nothing fit what we needed.

AND we joined a facebook group and drove around and still found nothing.

And then just being at my dad's house is stressful as it is.

I love my dad, but his anxiety only fuels my anxiety and then we all become this big ball of anxiety and it is just not going to work right now...

So, I don't really know what to do right now. 

I was just hoping this would be easier.

My little book seems to do be doing okay with sales. I got a few more today and my dad is lending me the money to get a both at The Les Amies Christmas Craft fair, and I also reached out to the Fall Farmer's Market to see if I can have a booth there too.

All of this would excite me more if I just knew we had a spot to settle down...

So if you are in Natchitoches and you know of any rental properties that are 3 bedrooms outside of the city limits and are around $600, then please let me know ASAP.

And please keep praying. Pray for our world. Pray for my family. Pray for me. And always always, pray for my sweet Elijah.

I could use some sweet signs from my boogie.
Today has been rough.
I love and miss you so much.

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