Tuesday, October 11, 2016

397: Creative Heartwork

It is 10:12pm.

Today is Day Eleven of The Capture Your Grief Photo Project.

The theme today is "Creative Heartwork."

This is the photo I shared, and what I wrote:

Day 11: Creative Heartwork
I have created many things in memory of Elijah. Some of which worked, some didn't. But the one I hope that will some day catch on is The Love, Elijah Project Blog.
My dream is that the Love, Elijah blog would be run completely by the Angel moms and dads who send in hand written letters or any type of artwork they would like to share about or for their children in heaven.
Now that I have moved our address will be changing soon. And hopefully when we get settled I can start trying again to get letters.
*If you have mailed letters in the past month or so, please don't worry. I still have this listed address and will be checking it and closing it out in December. No one else has access to it.
I just want bereaved parents know that there is someone out there who still wants to remember their children. I want them to know it is okay to talk. I want them to be able to show off all that creative heartwork in a safe place that offers nothing but love and support.
So here is to another year of The Love, Elijah Project and to creating more and more beauty out of the love I share with my sweet son.

Today went a little bit more smoother than yesterday.

I think we may have found a place, we just have to kind of work at it to bring it up to inspection standards for section 8. So just keep praying and sending your positive thoughts and all that groovy stuff.

(Oh and we need a refrigerator, and possibly a washer if anyone has either of these things that they are willing to donate...it would be a HUGE help.)

I also sent off my registration application and check to The Les Amies Organization to do their craft fair in November, and signed up to do The Green Market on the river bank. Both of these things I am pretty excited about. 

Now, if paypal would just free up my money so I could order the copies of my new book!!!

The first week (and maybe second) of the green market, I will have copies of The Kind Knight to sell and I will just have to put out info on Eli The Crawfish in The Night That The Lights Went Out in Natchitoches. 

But at least I will be able to establish some sort of presence as a local children's book author...I guess. lol.

I think I might even have a few copies of Hi Little Sunflower too. <3

It is something to start with anyways.

Well, I better get cleaned up and ready for bed. Tomorrow is a pretty big day. 

Good night everyone.

Please keep praying for our world. Pray for my family. Pray for me. And always always pray for my sweet Elijah <3

Hi sweet boy.
Hi my little sunflower.
Hi Elijah.
Gosh I miss you so much.
Getting a house to live in without you doesn't feel right.
It just doesn't.
But I will have a place to put out your things, and keep a candle burning for you I guess.
It is a bittersweet life we live now.
I love and miss you so much.

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