Wednesday, October 12, 2016

398: Lemons and Lemonade

It is 9:40pm.

Today is day 12 of The Capture Your Grief project.

The theme today was lemons and lemonade.

Here is the picture I shared and what I wrote:

Day 12. Lemons and Lemonade.

This was a tricky day for me.

How much lemonade could come from the most sour lemon life could give you?

Yet somehow, here we are with our cups of sweet drink made from what seems to be an endless supply of lemons. 
When Elijah passed away, I thought I wanted to stop living too. And there are still moments when grief knocks on my door and steals my sweet sugar and tries to just squirt the sour juices of our lemon into my eyes... But for the most part, our lives have become bolder and we have started actively pursuing our dreams. We have tried harder to make life ours and make it count.

It all seems to matter more now. We are living for him. We are giving meaning to our lives for him. He doesn't have that opportunity anymore, but we do. So we can't waste it anymore


Today has been a roller coaster.

Our original plan for a house may or may have not fallen through.

We also went to check out a 2 bedroom place that we found on Facebook and I told the lady I would be interested, but she never got back to me so I guess she is not interested in us lol.

So we packed up all our stuff and headed back to Levi's Granny's house for a little while until we kind of know what is what.

Saturday I will be back in Natchitoches for the Farmers market.

Just keep praying. Something is bound to happen eventually right????

Pray for our world. Pray for my family. Pray for me. And always always pray for my sweet Elijah.


I look at your picture and I just want to reach into the screen and grab you.
I love and miss you so much baby boy.
Sweet dreams.

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