Thursday, October 13, 2016

399: Dear World,

It is 10:10pm.

Today was the 13th day of The Capture Your Grief project.

Today's theme was "Dear World,"

Here is the photo I shared and what I wrote.

Day 13: Dear World.

Dear world, I still have 4 sons.

Elijah's passing did not erase him from my family. We remember him in everything we do and would hope other people share that same courtesy.

Dear world, say something.

When Elijah passed I lost friends because they couldn't even tell me they were sorry to hear about his passing or say they were thinking of me.

And I am constantly told how people just don't know what to say, like that is supposed to make everything better. Well it doesn't. Your absence is another gaping hole in my heart. It almost says to me that my child just didn't matter all that much and neither did I.

No need to be poetic. Just say something. Even if it is the wrong thing, it is better than nothing.

Dear World,

Even though I am okay, I am not.

And I won't be okay until I see my son again. Each happy moment is tainted by the "what could have beens" and the "what would he be likes?" I will always miss him and I will never "get over it" even if it makes you uncomfortable. And I will not apologize for that either.

Dear World,

Please do acts of kindness in memory of him. Please remember him. He is important and so is his memory.

I promised this kid I would change the world for him, and I intend to make it happen.

Dear World,
My other children are still loved and cared for.

They are not ignored just because I devote time to remembering Elijah. This is a silly assumption. I love all my children equally. But the ones here on Earth have me in their presence almost 24/7 and people are able to see them and I don't have to wonder if people will remember them.

My writing and projects are what help other people remember Elijah, and how I continue his story.

Dear World,
Just try to be gentler with each other.

You never know what people are going through. You are so blessed to have your life. Just make sure you love it and be thankful


So Monday we will know if our housing plan will work or please say some prayers.

Right now I'm not feeling too hot and am going to try to get some sleep.

Good night everybody.

Please continue to pray for our world. Pray for my family. Pray for me. And always always pray for my sweet Elijah.

Thank you.

There is no ammount of time that can pass that will keep me from remembering you or loving you.
I miss you everyday Elijah.
Goodnight sweet boy.

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