Friday, October 14, 2016

400: Beliefs and Spirituality

It is 10:06pm.

I should be in bed right now...or on my dad's couch right now I guess trying to sleep.

But here I am blogging and listening to Alex channel surf on the T.V. the way I do on the radio in the car. He has no patience for commercials lol.

Tomorrow morning is the Cane River Green Market and I will be there with my books.

Tonight Alex and I are staying at my dad's in Natchitoches and the rest of the gang is out in Crowville with Levi's grandmother.

I feel so underprepared for tomorrow.

I have a desk for my table lol, and some old irons to help me prop up my books.

Oh! And I also have a basket full of little kindness bracelets to give away for free to the kids as our act of kindness for Elijah.

It is going to be pretty simple, but simple is all I have right now.

And I guess all you can do sometimes is make the best of what you do have.

Before I forget in my sleepiness, today was the 14th day of The Capture Your Grief Project and the theme was Beliefs and Spirituality.

Here is the picture I shared (yes it is mine) and what I wrote:

Day 14: Beliefs and Spirituality.

For a while I couldn't pray-- I still struggle with it.

I feel like God is real. I know Elijah is safe with him. I believe God has carried me through to where I am. I believe that he is loving. And I believe I will someday be with Elijah again. 

I don't want to get too in depth with this because I don't have answers to be honest.

But God knows my heart and I know he is peace...and to me, that is all that matters right now. 


If you are in Natchitoches tomorrow morning, you should come check out The Green Market. Tomorrow is the first day of the fall market, so I am sure there will be all kinds of cool things going on.

Also, if you have kids under the age of 12, they have a really cool token program where they basically give the kids "free money" to spend on the vendors. 

I'm going to try and get some sleep I guess.

Just pray it all goes smoothly and that I make a few dollars lol...because I can totally use it right now.

And as always, pray for our world. Pray for my family. Pray for me. And pray for my sweet sweet boy, Elijah. <3

It has been 400 days since I have held you. 
Look at that little hand.
I just want to place my finger in it.
I want to feel your touch.
I miss you so very much.
But I will always love you more.

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