Sunday, October 16, 2016

402: Moonlight Retreat

It is 9:39pm

Today is the 16th day of The Capture Your Grief project.

Today's theme was Full Moon Retreat.

Here is the picture I shared and what I wrote:

Day 16: Full Moon Retreat.

This picture is of yesterday's moon. It is from my crappy phone camera so of course it looks nothing like the real moon.

I haven't seen tonight's moon.

Today has been a crappy grief day.

I woke up completely restless, full of anxiety. I woke up missing Elijah bad.

I wanted to drive off and do something with the kids, but I decided to just stay at "home." It wasn't a bad day really, but I just can't stop tearing up and thinking about him. I'm also thinking about the future without him (which I know is a big no no).

Empty nest will one day take on a while new meaning :(

I know that is a long way down the road, but today it felt like it was right in front of me and kicking me in the gut.

I just miss him.

I miss my Elijah.

Tomorrow we may have an answer on our housing situation.

Please say prayers for everyone involved.

It would mean a lot to me.

And as always, pray for our world. Pray for my family. Pray for me. And always always, pray for my sweet Elijah.

Thank you.

Hi sweet boy.
I miss you so much.
Today I cried for you.
I can't wait until we can see each other again,
But until that day comes 
I will honor you in everything I do.
I love you so much.

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