Monday, October 17, 2016

403: Sacred Space

It is 11:14pm.

Today is the 17th day of the Capture Your Grief project.

Today's theme was Sacred Space.

Here is the picture I shared and what I wrote:

Day 17: Sacred Space.

I don't know what it is about nature, but it is where I feel most alive. It is where I feel Elijah. 
Nature doesn't judge. 
Nature doesn't have an opinion.
Nature just is.
In all its beauty, it just is.


Well we ended up kind of not really finding out anything just yet on the housing situation.

So keep praying and sending good thoughts for everyone involved. Please and thanks.

Today Levi's mom brought us to The Mississippi Petrified Forest. 

It was really cool and the kids had a blast and got some new rocks.

And my PayPal money finally got freed up so that means in a couple of days I will finally be able to send out books!

The kids went to stay with Levi's mom tonight and Levi and I ate dinner together and then have just kind of relaxed. I watched some hgtv like a real party animal.

But it is time for me to get some sleep.

Just keep praying that eventually we will find a place to live because I am starting to get worried again.

And as always. Pray for our world. Pray for my family. And always always pray for my sweet Elijah.

Thank you.

I have missed you so much today. 
The tears won't stop.
I have to stop thinking ahead. 
I just can't imagine making it through all my life without you.
It is so hard.
I will do it. 
And I will do it for you.
I love you so much.

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