Tuesday, October 18, 2016

404: Grief Rituals

It is 10:01pm.

I am drowning myself in hgtv.

The kids are at their mammy's house for another night and it is so gosh darn quiet.

Watching all these house hunting and renovation shows might be a bad thing right now becasue my patience is growing thin trying to find a place to live lol.

But, I guess it will all come together when it is supposed to.

That is the thing we keep telling ourselves so that we can just keep pushing forward.

Today was good in the way that I actually got to get some books mailed out. Tomorrow I will get the rest of the orders sent out.

And then hopefully I will get some of my own books soon too lol.

Oh! Today was also the 18th day in the Capture Your Grief project.

Today's theme was Grief Rituals.

Here is the picture I shared and what I wrote:

Day 18: Grief Rituals

Every single day I blog.
Every single day I post his picture.
Every single day I say his name.
Every single day I do an act of kindness in his memory.

He is my son. Every single day.


I guess I'm going to watch some more of hgtv and try not to worry too much about life.

Just keep praying. Pray for our world. Pray for my family. Pray for me. And always always pray for my sweet Elijah.

I love you my sweet boy.
Missing you just as much today 
as the day you went to heaven.

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