Wednesday, October 19, 2016

405: Healing Therapies

It is 10:55pm.

The kids are back <3

They are zonked out lol...but they are back.

We went out to Levi's mom's today so that I could use the internet and finish up some paperwork and book orders and we ended up staying all afternoon because Alex helped his Mammy smoke some ribs and we had to make sure we watched It's The Great Pumpkin Charlie Brown!

We also stayed for the little Toy Story flick after, which I felt like was a little nod to my friend Brian who is also up in Heaven.

It was kind of cool how those two little features ended up playing the same night. <3

No, we did not watch the debate. That one was too scary for us ;)

I am hoping maybe tomorrow we will get some kind of news about our possible housing situation but honestly don't know.

My goal is to really not overstay our welcome at my dad's or Levi's Granny's houses.

I would really like to be in a house by Thanksgiving. That would make me really happy.

I almost considered just seeing how much one of these big rent to own storage sheds are and moving one into my dad's back yard and turning it into a tiny house lol.

It would be one heck of a project though and we don't have the money right now to do all the electric and plumbing that would need to be added.

But I still haven't ruled it out ;)

Alright...either way, just pray for us...cause we need it.

Today was day 19 of The Capture Your Grief project. But since I skipped day 18 yesterday, I back tracked.

"Today's" theme was Healing Therapies.

This is the photo I shared and what I wrote:

(for some reason I can't get blogger to post photos so this is a link to the Instagram post)

I'm backtracking. I accidentally skipped day 18: Healing Therapies.

Walking. Hiking. Seeing new things. Learning. Dreaming big. Chasing dreams. Traveling. Living my life. Finding beauty in everything. Finding Elijah in everything. Giving. Giving. Giving. Writing. Loving. Being a little crazy. Being myself. Being honest. Doing what I love. Spending time with my family. Believing.


Alright well I'm going to bed. Gotta have some energy to keep these boys entertained and educated tomorrow.

Please keep praying for our world. Pray for my family. Pray for me. And always always pray for my sweet Elijah.

Thank you.

Sadly I can't get blogger to post pictures tonight. This is a link to the photo I did post of Elijah on Instagram:

I love you sweet boy. Always always always.
Missing you like crazy. <3

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