Wednesday, October 26, 2016

412: The Twilight Zone

It is 11:49pm.

Now I'm another day behind on this capture your grief project, but I will finish the project...

The kids are up watching The Twilight Zone...well the 2 older ones anyway.

Not a normal habit for a weekday, but we went out to Levi's mom's house and stayed kind of late.. And then we got caught up in Perry Mason and now here we are lol...

People are starting to get their Eli The Crawfish books, which is equally cool and stressful at the same time. Cool, because it seems like people are enjoying the book but stressful because some people (including me) still haven't got their copies and are asking me where they are...

I have tried to be as upfront and honest with everyone about all my setbacks, but it is hard to make sure everyone sees the messages I post.

I think once I have books on hand, it will make all of this a lot easier.

This is just a struggle of a poor author lol.

Today I have been so stressed out. Our housing situation is weighing heavy on my shoulders and
then there are just all these little things adding up here and there...

I really want to do so much, but I'm kind of stuck doing what I can while we are in our transition mode. And I guess that is all I can do right?

And even though all of this sounds really blah and negative, I have been trying my best to stay positive and hopeful.

Today I started another children's book. It is supposed to help us get the kids to Hawaii lol, but it may take a couple years of sales. Then again, who knows...maybe it will be just the thing to get them there.

I would just like to see something really nice happen for them, even though they really are loved and spoiled beyond belief ;) I just love them so much.

Alright, I guess I should get some sleep. It is pretty late and I thought I was actually going to go to bed early tonight.

Please keep praying. Pray for our world. Pray for my family. Pray for me. And always always pray for my sweet Elijah.

Thank you.

Hi sweet boy.
Missing you every moment of the day..
I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you.

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