Thursday, October 27, 2016

413: Consciously Becoming

It is 10:37pm.

Alright. I am playing catch up on the Capture Your Grief project.

Today I did Day 24: Consciously Becoming.

Here is the picture I shared and what I wrote:

Day 24: consciously becoming.
(a few days late)

This is a picture of me and one of my beautiful nieces that I took earlier today when I was out at the lake with all the kids.

To be honest, I am really stuck on what it is I'm supposed to be, or what it is I'm supposed to do with my life right now.

But I do know whatever it is I will one day decide to be or do, it will be something my friends and family (and hopefully the world) can look up to. 
I chose to live my life full of love and kindness for Elijah. I chose to be the best I can be everyday, and respect the days where I can't be the best I want to be.

I will love boldly. I will share my story. I will do great things.

I know I have a long hard road ahead of me, but I chose to walk it with bravery, hope and honesty.

My life will be a beautiful story, because I choose for it to be

Today I got to see my nieces and nephew and I am so happy I did. <3

It was also Levi's Granny's birthday. The kids and us picked out a new watch to give her, and tried to stay out of the house and out of her hair as a birthday present lol. She seemed to have a pretty good day.

Speaking of birthdays, if you want to do an act of kindness that will really make a little boy's day and probably make one happy momma too, read this blog and then send this sweet boy a birthday card:

Julien and I picked out some smiley face cookies to send him as our act of kindness in memory of Elijah today.

Also, if you can keep another amazing family I know in your thoughts and prayers tonight, I would appreciate it. Today marks the 4 year anniversary of the day they lost their sweet son in a drowning accident. Ever since they have done some amazing things in his memory and have planted so many seeds of kindness. We love you Reese! You will always be remembered. <3

Alright. Tomorrow we head back to Natchitoches to get ready for another weekend at The Green Market. I probably should get some rest.

Good night everyone.

Please always pray for our world. Pray for my family. Pray for me. And always always pray for my sweet Elijah.

Hi sweet boy.
Today your dad and I talked about putting 
some of your ashes in our teddy bear we ordered for you. That way we can hold you close and have a way to spend more time with you.
While it oddly makes me a little excited,
I would much rather be holding you instead.
I love and miss you 

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