Friday, October 28, 2016

414: Always Always

It is 11:15pm.

I should be asleep.

Tomorrow is Green Market, and I have to go by Wal-Mart before we set up and get a table.

I have 15 copies of my new book, and I hope I sell all of them lol.

I'll have the rest of my big order this week and then I will be able to ship them out and probably need to order more to have on hand at The Les Amis Christmas Craft Show and Christmas Festival.

And THEN, maybe I'll make some money lol.

Tonight the kids and I went and watched an outdoor movie put on by the library.

The kids really enjoyed it and we handed out little packs of Muddy Buddies as our act of kindness for Elijah.

I skipped the Capture Your Grief project again today...but fully intend to eventually finish the whole thing. I think it would feel nice to finish it. It will be a  small victory....and I need all the small victories I can get.

I joked with Levi today about just building a tiny house in my dad's backyard, and there is even a listing for a gutted schoolbus for $2000 on Facebook.

I am just ready to have a place to live.

A place of our own.

All this moving back and forth without really going anywhere is really starting to drive me crazy.

Anyways, I really need to go to bed.

5:45am is going to come really fast.

Please keep praying.

Pray for our world. Pray for my family. Pray for me. And always always pray for my sweet Elijah.

Hi sweet boy.
We love and miss you so very much.
Always always

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