Saturday, October 29, 2016

415: "supposed to be"

It is 10:26pm.

Today has been a good day. A long day but a good day.

I am thankful for busy days like this, because it means less time to think about everything else and stress.

Anyways, Alex and I had a great morning at The Green Market.

Alex sold all of his treats he made for the market, except for 2 or 3 that he gave away as acts of kindness.

And I sold all 15 copies I had on hand of my Eli The Crawfish Books.

While that sounds fantastic, it really just paid me back for the books and the new table I had to buy lol.

But it was still a great feeling to create something that brings people such happiness. <3

And for Elijah to have some part in that makes it even better.

Plus, we gave out some bracelets, tattoos and goldfish crackers as acts of kindness today too.

When we got home, my friend Laurel told me about Trick or Treating in town so I ran to Wal-Mart and threw together some costumes, and by the time I got home and got everything together, it was time to go out and get some candy!

Alex dressed up as Charlie Brown and I went as Linus for Elijah (thanks to some handy dandy duct tape work lol).

Julien and Gabriel were zombies.

As much as I truly miss every single day....I am so happy to have a village here and to have friends and family.

Even though, ideally I could snatch all these people up and move back to Orlando, if I am stuck somewhere right now I am pretty glad to be stuck with people who really do love me and the kids and have been so supportive.

Anyways, I am super exhausted. I have been going nonstop since 5:30 this morning, so I really need some sleep.

Please keep praying. Pray for our world. Pray for my family. Pray for me. And always always pray for my sweet Elijah. <3

Thank you.

It is still hard to see kids who are the age you are "supposed to be"
and watch them enjoying the things that you "should be" doing.
I can't imagine you as anything but this adorable little baby that I held in my arms.
I don't see you any other way.
You look so sweet in this picture.
Just a sweet little face.
I love and miss you so much.

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