Sunday, October 30, 2016

416: It Is A Beautiful Day

It is 2:54pm.

I was going to go to the store about 2 hours ago, but the kids have made a new friend and are all outside playing with her so I am putting it off until a little later.

It is so nice for them to actually want to go outside together, and the weather is beautiful.

Today I started to clean out my one of my dad's "junk rooms" that are supposed to be bedrooms and made a small dent.

I donated a lot of it to Louisiana Teen Challenge as my act of kindness in memory of Elijah for today, which made me feel really good too.

I might go clean out some more in a little bit while the kids play some more.

I also should probably be working on my newest book, because I really wanted it ready to go to print this week. So maybe I will do that...

Either way, if they play enough they will run out all their energy maybe they will be a little more behaved once I drag them all to the grocery store.

Anyways, our housing situation is back at a standstill.

We have another kind of "maybe" hopeful situation, but no guarantees on it. So keep us in your thoughts and prayers with all that madness.

I am really ready to get situated, so that I can work on transforming The Love, Elijah Project and trying to do something more focused with it.

Also, so we can just have a place to be us--without having to feel like we are imposing on family.

My dream would be able to sell enough books by the end of this year to get us a small house somewhere. I will have to work really hard on it and make books that people really want/like. But I think it can be done.

Once we get settled, I will be working really hard on my novel too. But that one will take more time.

Anyways...time to quit talking about all this and actually do something.

Hope you are all having a nice Sunday afternoon.

And as usual, please keep praying of our world. Pray for my family. Pray for me. And always always pray for my sweet Elijah. <3

Thank you

Hi sweet boy<3
I am so excited about selling all these little Eli The Crawfish book.
It hasn't made me much money yet, 
but it has put your name in a lot of people's hands.
And that makes my heart so full.
I love and miss you so much my boogie.

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