Saturday, October 8, 2016

394: Beautiful Mysteries

It is 8:47pm.

Right now I am watching a cookie show Levi and the kids. It is a Halloween bake off.

Omg. These people are so talented. It is amazing.

Ok. Today was day eight of the Capture Your Grief project.

The theme was: beautiful mysteries.

This is the picture I posted and what I wrote:

Day Eight: Beautiful Mysteries

The other day a sweet angel mom posted on Facebook that she had read somewhere that a day on Earth is equal to one minute in Heaven.
So that means when we get to heaven very little time will have actually passed from the last time we see our loved ones.
This means when I get to heaven, Elijah will still be an infant and I will still get to hold him in my arms and kiss those fat cheeks. <3

Is this true? I have no idea. But it has brought me a lot of comfort and so much hope. (And btw now is not the time to be corrected so please don't wreck this beautiful thought for me. That was totally a rhetorical question)


Today I fixed my hair.

It looks like this now.

Disaster avoided. Lol. Yesterday it was orange and scary.

It is very blonde now and I'm still getting used to it...but I think I like it.

Some family came to visit today (family I don't see often) and they kept saying to Alex that it must be tough to have 2 younger brothers and kept telling me I have 3 beautiful boys and while I was thankful for their compliments, I just wanted to scream at the top of my lungs that I have 4 beautiful children!!!! I still have 4!!! Elijah is still my son.

Anyways I have had a lot of anxiety today so this afternoon I tried to stay outside. The boys and I made a small fire and the weather was really nice.

Tomorrow we head back to my dad's house and then Monday we will get our housing vouchers and we can start looking for a place to live.

I am just ready to have a place of our own for a while.

Please keep praying.

Pray for our world. Pray for my family. Pray for me. And always always pray for my sweet Elijah.

Hi sweet boy.
You are my son always.
I have four beautiful sons.
You make us complete.
I love you.

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