Friday, October 7, 2016

393: Myths

It is 10:43pm

Today is the seventh day of The Capture Your Grief project.

Today's theme was: myths

This is the picture I posted and what I wrote:

Day Seven: myths

I am piggy backing off another Angel mom I know... I think that most people believe that women are more affected than men in childloss. Like my husband should be better at this grief thing than I am because he is the man and he needs to be strong. But let me tell you something, my husband is amazingly strong and I think that he has cried more than I have. 
I don't just blows my mind, the things that I am supposed to get a pass at because of Elijah's death, yet people believe my husband shouldn't feel the same. We are both Elijah's parents.

Dad's love their children just like moms do and Angel Dads miss their children every second of every single day.

Elijah your dad loves and misses you so much. EVERYTHING he does is for you and your brothers.

Today's adventures include homeschooling, making playdough, and a really bad hair dying experience.

But I am too tired right now to talk about it.

I'm about to figure out my act of kindness for Elijah today and then get ready for bed.

I am so glad to hear that everyone in central Florida is okay after all. 

Good night everyone.

Please remember to pray for our world. Pray for my family. Pray for me And pray for my sweet Elijah.

Oh sweet boy.
I know I miss you so, but you will always be one of my biggest blessings.
We love and miss you so much.

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