Thursday, October 6, 2016

392: Empathy

It is 10:40pm.

Today is day 6 of The Capture Your Grief project.

The theme today was Empathy.

This is my picture and this is what I wrote:

Day Six: Empathy.

This is a photo of the night sky right now from where I stand.

My sky is clear and starry right now.

It is calm and peaceful.

But not so far away there is a hurricane raging in the same sky.

Right now that is someone else's sky, but it is my sky too.

We all go through things. Some of us more than others. Empathy is accepting that no one has a clear starry sky every night. Empathy is remembering that we all have stormy nights. And empathy is knowing that some of us have faced scary hurricanes, and still lived to see the sun the next day and just to barely crawl out of the rubble.

Losing Elijah was my hurricane.

I am still rebuilding his and my story. But piece by piece, day by day, I spread kindness in his memory because I know I am not the only one out there hurting. I know other people have their storms and I would give anything to take all the pain away and send sunny skies to everyone. I just don't want anyone to feel what I have felt.


Today was a good day. I FINALLY got my book uploaded!!! Yay! And I have been sending out invoices all evening for an amazing ammount of orders. Right now I am teary eyed becasue I am so overwhelmed and touched that people are so excited about my little book.

And the boys are back <3

But I am also really freaking out about this stupid hurricane and all the damage it has already done and now it is headed to Florida, where a lot of people I truly care about live.

And All of Elijah's things, things from my grandmother, Levi's grandfather, and all my mom's Christmas ornaments are in storage there. And while I know they are just things, they are things from people I love very much.

But for real, I am more worried about our friends.

Please say some prayers and send positive thoughts and love to Florida.

I'm not going to sleep very well tonight.

And as always pray for our world. Pray for my family. Pray for me. And always always pray for our sweet Elijah.

Hi my sunflower.
Hi my sweet boy.
Hi my Elijah.
Shine down on all our friends and send them some love.
If you have any pull up there, please keep them safe.
I love and miss you so much

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