Sunday, October 23, 2016

409: Pearls of Wisdom

It is 9:35pm.

My thumb is still throbbing and I am having to blog on my phone so I am keeping this blog really short tonight.

Today I did Day 22 of the Capture Your Grief project.

The theme was "pearls of wisdom."

Here is the picture I shared and what I wrote:

*not my photo

Day 22: Pearls of Wisdom.

Be honest with yourself about how you feel.

Be honest with others about how you feel.

Do not compare your grief journey with others. Everyone grieves differently.

Write. Paint. Create. 
If you get mad, get a baseball bat and smack the crap out of an old tree.

Scream. Cry in the bathtub. Do not try to hold it all in. 

If you need professional help, don't be afraid to go. 
Don't let someone else dictate your life or your grief. 
Find people who bring out the good in you and support you.

Speak their name. Spread their love. Continue their story.

The sun still shines for you. It will always shine for you. It shines because the love you and your sweet children share can never die. 
Sending you all love and sunshine. 
Big hugs!!!


Today was a really nice day. 

Gabriel and I drove out to meet Levi's mom and get his shoes back (he left them at her house the other day). 

Anyways we met at a cemetery Because it is 1/2 way and Gabriel decided he wanted to look at everyone's flowers. 

So we visited quite a few graves and I cleaned up some baby graves.

Then we came back to Granny's and the boys played outside all day. Levi and I played outside with them a little bit too.

Even though we are doing okay here and are happy to see family and friends, tonight I am really missing Florida...

Anyways, please keep praying.

Pray for our world. Pray for my family. Pray for me. And always always pray for my sweet Elijah.

Thank you.

Hi sweet boy.
Looking at your sweet face just takes my breath away.
I love and miss you so much my boogie.
Goodnight Elijah 

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