Wednesday, November 2, 2016

419: Let It Go

It is 10:47pm.

In my not so long life of 33 years, I have learned the hard way that there are things worth holding on to, and there are some things that you really need to let go of.

Holding onto Elijah is a must. He is my son, there is no other option....but this really isn't about that.

This is really a vague blog post about the things we should be letting go of.  Lol.

Let go of anger. Please.
Learn to forgive and move forward or move on.

Let go of people who just don't belong in your life anymore.
You can do this without wishing them harm. Sometimes it is just time to part ways and that is okay.

Let go of the things that no longer serve you, or make the world a better place.
Seriously, why would you want your world to be anything but a happy place to live?

Look, no one is perfect. I am far from it.

Rage is an issue I have that is a symptom of post traumatic stress and anxiety.

I battle with rage on a daily basis.

But because I am aware of this problem, I have to consciously work at taming it so that it does not affect myself or others in a negative manner.

What I am trying to get at is that life is short and life is hard, but life is also beautiful.

However, if you continue to chose to hold onto anger, it will only make your life dark and ugly. And why on earth would you want that for yourself? Why would you want for people to not want to communicate with you because of things you can't let go?

I tell my kids all the time, that we don't play guilt games, and no one feels sorry for anyone in this family.

That may sound harsh, but empathy and sympathy are two different things and I would much rather them learn to be empathic than sympathetic.

Alright, stepping off my little soapbox.

On a random side note, I am super thankful for my husband and our beautiful little family. And I am so proud of how much we have been through and that we are still standing strong. I love him and my boys so much.

Anyways, today I drove out to Crowville to pick up my books, and then turn around and drove back to Natchitoches and started packing them up to mail out tomorrow.

I am about 1/2 way done packing them up and I feeling very blessed and stressed at the same time lol, but in a good way. Good stress....that's a thing right?

I think I just underestimated myself and how well this book would do, and now I am trying to figure out how to have enough books on hand for this next craft fair and still be able to have books on hand to mail out orders. I have barely made any money, because I keep putting money back into it--knowing that it will pay off in the long run. At least, I hope so lol. But like I said before, right now I am just kind of on cloud nine that so many people are holding a book that has Elijah's name in it. <3

Well, I guess I should get back to work. I am getting pretty tired.

Hope all of you are having a good night, and if you aren't please feel free to reach out to me. I haven't been that present on social media lately and I worry that I am missing out on the important things going on in people's lives. But please know I am always here if you need to talk! I love you guys.

Please keep praying for our world. Pray for my family. Pray for me. And always always pray for my sweet Elijah.

Hi my little monster.
Hi sweet boy.
We are moving pebbles,
but eventually we will move those mountains.
I love and miss you so much.
I haven't given up yet.
We will change the world one day.
A promise is a promise 

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