Saturday, November 5, 2016

422. The Good Stress

It is 7:26pm.

Tonight I think I will go to bed before 2:30 in the morning lol.

I finally finished my webpage last night, and today I added a blog.
I know right? How many blogs can Kelly write? lol...

Well, with some luck, in the future--I would really like The Love, Elijah Project blog to basically write itself. I will just be the person who scans letters and stores them. (And promotes the page).

We will get there...

But I did sell my first shirt today! And I sold some books too! Yay.

Anyways, this morning was farmer's market and Alex sold all his pralines, and was also given a $20 bill by a friend of mine as a random act of kindness <3 That money goes to our Hawaii fund, and I am so proud of him for doing such a great job.

Tonight is our last night of dog/house sitting. And the dogs have been so great. Alex got them treats today for our little act of kindness in memory of Elijah.

I still haven't finished this other book I said I was going to write all week long lol, so maybe tomorrow morning before we leave I will get that done.

I need to order copies ASAP though to have everything in for The Les Amis Craft Fair.

Apparently I really need to make some business cards too.

The other vendors at the green market told me about some other farmer's markets near by and some bigger festivals I can look into, but what little money I do have has to go back into ordering books so I will just have to play it by ear.

But this is the kind of stress that is good stress ;)

Everyone has been so nice about my books and complimentary.

I truly hope that this is my turnaround.

Well guys, my exhaustion is winning and I need to get to bed.

Thank you all so much for your prayers and support. Keep sending those positive vibes my way.

Please keep praying for our world. Pray for my family. Pray for me. And always always, pray for my sweet Elijah <3

Hi my little sunflower.
Hi my sweet boy.
Hi my Elijah.
Even simple things like little girls playing with their baby dolls is hard to watch.
I just miss you
and I worry about every single baby I see.
I don't like being this way.
I would give anything to finish my days at green market and come home exhausted to you probably making me even more exhausted lol.
But I promise you that I am working sooo hard to be better and I haven't given up, even on the days I really want to.
I love you, and I will keep my promise to change the world in your name.

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