Sunday, November 6, 2016

423: Hidden

It is 2:29pm.

I am waiting on some clothes to wash and a roast to cook in the oven, so I figured I would go ahead and blog today.

Today is our last day dog sitting, and then we head back to Crowville for a few days.

Our housing situation is still up in the air, but maybe soon we will find something.

I am still really excited over our new webstore we launched, but also very nervous too.

Next Friday we are going to do a big Random Acts of Kindness day to help promote it, but to also spread Elijah's love a little around Natchitoches too. Maybe it will make me feel better about--well everything.

It is just really hard to promote anything on Facebook without paying an arm and a leg for it, and I am almost 100% sure that at least 75% of my faceboook friends have me hidden from their timeline lol.

What can I say, I have gone through a lot in the past year or so and it doesn't always make the most positive posting. Plus, I ask for a lot I guess...and not everyone likes that.

But I have to do what I have to do...

I am trying to stay positive and to be honest, for all that we have been through and are going through, I say we are doing pretty kick ass.

It maybe hard to see, but we haven't given up yet and we will push through all of this and follow our dreams--for Elijah.

Anyways, I really do need to finish my new book and finish cleaning up around here too.

Happy Sunday! Enjoy it.

Please keep praying for our world. Pray for my family. Pray for me. And always always, pray for my sweet Elijah <3

We haven't given up Elijah.
We are going to do big things for you
and for your brothers. 
We love you so so much.
Miss you always.

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