Wednesday, May 31, 2017

628: VBS Family Night

It is 9:54pm.

Doubt your doubts.

Tonight I went to the kid's VBS family night. They told me there was free food, and sometimes they are really cute so I agreed to go.

There wasn't a large turnout, and I am really thankful for that, because the last time I tried to go to a church service it was packed and my anxiety overtook me.

I really didn't agree with a lot of what was preached by one particular preacher, BUT I did appreciate the welcome for my children and how many times I was told they are good kids. I also appreciated that when my kids decided to turn into total maniacs and lose their tempers and run for the roads there was someone there with me, telling me they still loved my kids and that they were still good kids. Sometimes it is so hard being a parent, but to see that someone else loves your children and is not annoyed by their somewhat over-dramatic behavior is a good thing lol.

I am just trying to do the best I can. As a mom. As a wife. As whatever I am...

I am getting there. I am proud of myself for moving forward. I love myself.

Doubt your doubts.

You are a fantastic creation, and you were created out of love. There is nothing in this world that you can't do.

Sending you all love.

Please don't forget that Elijah's birthday is this coming Monday June 5th!!! We are asking that everyone do an act of kindness in his memory that day and share it with the hashtag #loveelijah and/or tag myself or Levi in it!!! Thank you so much.

And please keep praying for our world. Pray for our country. Pray for my family. Pray for me. Pray for you! And always always pray for my sweet Elijah.

Thank you Thank you Thank you

 I love you sweet boy.
To the moon and beyond the stars
and to wherever you are.
I love you I love you I love you

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