Thursday, June 8, 2017

636: Change Yourself Change The World

It is 3:45pm.

I just finished cleaning a house and I am waiting for my phone to charge a little bit more before heading off to see Levi and the boys at Granny's. I am so excited to get to see them again. I love all of them and miss them like crazy.

Anyways, today I started listening to a new audio book!

What was the old audio book you might ask???? It was "You Are a Badass" by Jenn Sincero. You should TOTALLY check it out. It is free on YouTube and I really really loved it. Like, totally loved it. In fact, go find it and start listening to it NOW! You will thank me. I promise.

Anyways, I am committing myself to listening or reading motivational books or text for at least 30 minutes everyday.

There is a quote that says, "People often say that motivation doesn't last. Well, neither does bathing - that's why we recommend it daily." 

It is important to enlighten ourselves with knowledge. It is important to grow. It is important to love ourselves enough to realize that we don't know everything and growing is essential to our health and well being.

But anyways, the book I started to listen to today is called, "The Six Pillars of Self Esteem."

I have only really got to the first Pillar, because the first part of the book kind of talks about the importance of self esteem and really how it affects our daily lives. It also does a great job of breaking down what good self esteem is and what moderate self esteem looks like, and of course what bad self esteem looks like too.

What an amazingly simple but complex thing self esteem is. And it is also very sad how much little value it, or mental health for that matter.

In the book it talked about the industrial revolution and how important general education and confirmative society was then, but as a world we are changing. And even though education is important, we need more people with healthy self esteem because those are the people who are self directed and self motivated, and those are the people who bring forth necessary change and new thoughts and ideas that our world desperately needs. 

And oh there is a HUGE difference between cockiness, arrogance, and healthy self esteem too, but if I kept going on with all of this I would just be writing the whole book out for you lol.

If you are interested in the general idea of how healthy self esteem could change not only you, but our world then check out The Six Pillars of Self Esteem for free on YouTube, or probably in book for at your local library.

This guy does not have the most excitable voice lol, but the thoughts it will provoke in your head should make up for it. I am enjoying it so far:

But while we are on the subject, and my phone has quite a bit further to go to charge, I am going to go ahead and list the pillars.

 I am going to expand on each one this week in my blog. This will really help myself familiarize the information, and hopefully by sharing some of these exercises with you guys you will find something that you could use to change the world <3

The Six Pillars of Self Esteem Are:

1. The Practice of Living Consciously 
2. The Practice of Self Acceptance
3. The Practice of Self Responsibility
4. The Practice of Living Purposefully
5. The Practice of Personal Integrity

Yeah....expanding on those will be helpful lol. SOOOO I have something to blog about for the next week or so. YAY!!!

Get excited....because we are all going to get better and change the world. Woot.

Believe you can and you will. Love yourself and you will love the world.

Alright, I need to get ready to go and see my boys (and granny). I love you all.

OHHHHH ANNNNNDDDDD I have my first call with a life coach today!!!! WHAT???? Ask and you shall receive. The universe is that kind <3

Please keep praying for our world. Pray for our country. Pray for my family. Pray for me. Pray for you! And always always pray for my sweet sweet Elijah.

Thank you.

Oh oh oh sweet boy.
Thank you for the sign yesterday.
Thank you for your love.
Thank you for being my baby.
I love and miss you so much my boogie.

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