Tuesday, July 4, 2017

661: Today is a New Day

It is 10:01pm


Today is a new day.

Today is a new day.

Today I started listening to another amazing audio book called, "Fulfilled- How the Science of Spirituality Can Help You Live a Happier, More Meaningful Life."

This is one is not on youtube, so I can't share it with you guys, but you can find it for purchase on Amazon if you are interested.


I actually heard a radio interview with the author of this book, Anna Yusim MD, after my last visit to the doctor and I am so happy I jotted down her book because I am hoping that it is going to help me with my journey inward to a better and more happy Kelly.

The first meditative practice she brings up in the book is a super simple breathing exercise, where you ask yourself "What do you I really Want?"

And here is where I feel I really struggle. I have no real idea of what I really want, big picture anyway. I know little things I want. But my end goal still seems really vague to me.

I am going to start with this meditative exercise tonight and then move forward to the writing exercise tomorrow that helps with being more conscious.

I know that all of this makes no sense to you guys, lol, because you have no idea what these exercises are, but just know that I am making effort to get better (and I am also doped up on all my pain meds lol).

Well, I am going to meditate and go get some sleep. Sending you all love!!!

Good night.

Please keep praying for our world. Pray for our country. Pray for my family. Pray for me. Pray for you! And always always pray for my sweet Elijah.

Thank you Thank you Thank you

I love you I love you I love you I love you 
Fourth of July was the only holiday I can think of that you were with us,
and I was not with you.
I am so sorry for all the times I could have spent with you and didn't.
I just always thought you would be there.
I love you 
and I miss you so much. 

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