Friday, July 14, 2017

671: Let Go of Yesterday's Problems

It is 10:25am.

I am blogging early so that I can focus the rest of my day on writing the rest of my first draft to my novel.

Just a random Kelly Thought for you guys:

What if we all were able to let go of yesterday's problems like children do.

Seriously, I know my little boys drive me insane and are far from perfect, but they do one thing that really inspires me, and they do it so well. They let go of yesterday's problems so that they can enjoy today.

I have seen them go to bed mad at each other, and then the next morning wake up and start playing with each other right away. Because yesterday is gone and today should be fun.

I think we can learn so much from children.

Let go of yesterday's problems. Live each day fully. PLAY! Enjoy life. And Let It GO!!!!!

Well, I have lots to write today, so I am going to get to it now.

Have a wonderful day and live in the present. Live your dreams and have some fun. I love you all!

And of course please keep praying for our world. Pray for our country. Pray for our families. Pray for me. Pray for you! And always always pray for my sweet Elijah.

Thank you!

Oh sweet boy. 
I really feel like this novel is going to be a great way to 
open new doors that will help us change the world for you.
I hope you like it. 
After all, it wouldn't be written if it weren't for you.
I love and miss you so much my boogie.

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