Saturday, July 15, 2017

672: The Next Fight

It is 7:59am.

Levi messaged me last night and told me his fight in August had been cancelled, and instead he now has a fight this month on the 28th--which is not very far away (adding that this one might be televised).

He knows how to fight, and I am confident he will do well. However, he is really nervous about cutting weight in such a short period of time. If you are not familiar with MMA, these guys put themselves through hell for these fights. Last fight I felt like Levi was starving himself.

So please send lots of love, positive vibes, and prayers his way--because he could surely use them.

I have asked him to meditate twice a day, because meditating has helped me focus on my writing a lot lately.

I found this channel on youtube that I really enjoy. It is called Meditations with Rasa Lukosiute. You can view her videos here.

Speaking of Youtube, I haven't given up on mine. It will be taking a slightly different direction soon, and I even ordered a fancy microphone (that was on sale BIG TIME lol), to help make my videos slightly more professional.

Anyways, today I am determined to finish this first draft of my novel. I was going to finish yesterday, but my arm was throbbing terribly last night and I had to just go to sleep.

Even though I am so close to finishing this draft, I still have a lot of writing to go. I am only at 1/2 my word count. But it feels good to have the story almost completely down "on paper." Now I can beef it up and add the little side stories I have been fooling with to help add some "drama."

Alright, I am going to eat some breakfast, meditate, and get to work.

Hope you have a great day today. Do something amazing! Do something kind. Do something that will make today one you will remember.

Love you all!

Please keep praying for our world. Pray for our country. Pray for our families. Pray for me. Pray for you! And always always pray for my sweet Elijah.

Thank you.

Oh sweet boy. Your dad and I are trying so hard to make you proud.
Send your dad some love leading up to this fight.
I love you I love you I love you.
Miss you always my boogie.

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