Sunday, July 16, 2017

673: Tazer

It is 6:56pm.

Julien wanted me to share this joke with you guys:

Q: "What is a hot and noisy duck?"
A: A Fire Quacker

Today has been an eventful day with two ER visits with Julien over a mystery rash (that is probably an allergic reaction to the medicine he has been taking for his ear.)

During the wait for the second visit a fight broke out in the waiting room and some woman pulled out a tazer and turned it on!!! Julien was so scared, he went to hide in a corner. Thank God there were police there and the nurses saw how scared Julien was so they told us to come back to the check in station and took care of him really quick.

We started painting the top of the school bus white to help it reflect the sunlight during the day, and then it started to rain. But for the most part, the top of the bus is covered and I am excited to see if it helps with the temperature in the school bus during the day.

Oh!!! I totally forgot to tell you guys, I finished the first draft of my novel yesterday, and I feel so good about it. I really feel like this novel is going to open so many doors for my family. I am looking forward to seeing it all come together!

Levi also came and spent the night with us last night and helped clean the top of the bus and paint. He had to return to Shreveport tonight because his fight has been moved up and he really can't afford to miss any more classes at the gym.

It gets harder and harder each time he leaves, or we leave him. I know soon we will figure all this out and live together as a family again. But in the mean time I am so proud of all the hard work he is putting into this.

So much excitement lol.

Now I need to go take care of my neck/arm and get some rest. Tomorrow I have to take Julien to the doctor and I want to finish painting the top of the bus. Also, since I am stepping away from my novel for a week before working on it again, I am going to try and focus on YouTube stuff again.

Alright goodnight everyone! Sending you lots of love and sweet dreams.

Please keep praying for our world. Pray for our country. Pray for our families. Pray for me. Pray for you! And always always pray for my sweet Elijah.

Thank you.

Gabriel always asks me when we are going to get you back.
He loves you so much.
We all do.
It breaks my heart to have to tell him over and over again
that we have to wait until we get to Heaven to see you again.
I love you sweet boy.
I miss you.

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