Monday, July 17, 2017

674: Somewhere In Between

It is 9:41pm.

I just took my medicine for my arm, and that included my last prescription pain pill I have. Also-I only have 2 muscle relaxers--and I have no car this week to go back to the clinic to be seen to get more.

I know, I should have probably taken care of this sooner, but I thought by now I would have gotten my letters from LSU about the appointments they are supposed to be making for me. Also, I didn't really think about not having transportation.

So please send love--because I am sure to need it lol.

Oh has tried its very best to break my spirit, but I am not going to let it.

While you are sending me love for my arm, please also send love for Julien who has a head to toe rash from an allergic reaction to the medicine he was taking for his ear infection.

Also, please send love to Levi who had to go to the ER tonight, only to find out he bruised his ribs during his MMA class this morning.

And send a little bit more love my way, because I am having to teach myself how to take constructive criticism as a writer without taking it personally lol. This is going to be a huge challenge for me. Especially with a subject matter so close to my heart.

Alright. I need to go meditate and end this day on a positive note. It really did start on one, I just don't know what happened in between.

Love you all! Go out there and love your life. You are so blessed to have it.

And please keep praying for our world. Pray for our country. Pray for our families. Pray for me. Pray for you! And always always pray for my sweet Elijah.

Thank you!

Can we just have you back now?
I promise I will be a better mom.
I just want you back.
I love you and miss you so much my boogie.

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