Tuesday, July 18, 2017

675: Benadryl

It is 9:45pm.

I took a Benadryl about 20 minutes ago because I read that it might help the nerve pain in my arm, and it has helped a tiny bit, but there is still a lot of inflammation and lingering pain right now.  If nothing else, hopefully the Benadryl will help me sleep well tonight.

Julien's rash is starting to look better, so we are going to reschedule his doctor's appointment tomorrow since I could only find a ride to the doctor's office and not back--oh yeah, I am back to having no car until Friday...I don't remember if I talked about that last blog or not.

Anyways, I can feel the pain shoot through my arm as I type, so I am going to have to go ahead and wrap this blog...

Just keep sending love please and thank you.

Send me love and healing Elijah.
I miss you so much.
Love you more.

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