Wednesday, July 19, 2017

676: Dear God, Make Me a Bird, so I Can Fly..Far Far Away.

It is 12:02pm.

I am so tired of being here.

I love this bus and it was my dream to live in one, but now, I am almost willing to sell the bus if it will get us anywhere but here.

I have hardly been able to work these past 4 weeks, and money is tight for us right now. I don't have a car until Friday--and I honestly just feel stuck and miserable.

Call it depression, call it anxiety, call it grief--call it whatever the hell you want, but I don't want to be here anymore.

I miss my husband. I miss us all being together as a family. I miss Florida. I miss Elijah. I miss everything.

Send love, because today I am drowning. And I don't know what to do about it.

I pray that we become unstuck soon. I pray for some sort of miraculous financial blessing. I pray that my family can be back together in a place where we are happy and living our dreams. I don't know. I am just praying for everything right now.

Thank you for listening to (reading) my little fit. I am going to go meditate and possibly take a nap.

I love you all.

Shine down on me Elijah.
I need your love.
I need you.
I miss you so much.

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