Thursday, August 3, 2017

691: Stuck

It is 11:48pm.

I am about 8 pages away from finishing my book. I wanted to finish today, but I am still proud of the progress I have made.

I got kind of stuck on the last section, and decided to go back and start rereading the beginning and fixing some things...and holy moly there is a lot that needs to be fixed lol. But at least I've got it down and out of my head. It will be great once I clean it up, and Thank God I have an amazing friend that is an editor who will also help me in this area.

Admittedly I am a little bummed and overwhelmed right now from not finishing like I wanted to, and all the mess I found while rereading; but I am going to stay positive. I am going to hold onto the dream that this is my ticket out of the hole I have been stuck in lately. This is my time to take myself serious as a writer and do something with my life. I don't have any other choice but to be good at this.

 But right now, I need to take some medicine and just step away from it all and go to bed.

Sending you love. Keep following your dreams, you can do it.

Send me love sweet boy.
I love and miss you so much. 

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