Tuesday, September 5, 2017

724: QPR

It is 9:22pm.

Today has been a pretty good day, with the exception of an order mix up at Checkers when I was really really hungry lol.

This morning I was greeted by a frog, had an attunement with my life coach over the phone, found a beautiful white feather as I was leaving physical therapy, got stuff done that needed to be done, and even went with a friend to a QPR Suicide Prevention training. 

If you are not familiar with the QPR method of suicide prevention method, I am going to briefly introduce you.

QPR stands for "Question, Persuade, Refer."

"Question the person about suicide. Do they have the thought? Feelings? Plans? Don't be afraid to ask."

"Persuade the Person to get help. Listen carefully. Then say, "Let me help," or "Come with me to find help."

"Refer for help." 1-800-273-TALK. 1-800-SUICIDE. 911. Local mental health unit. Hospital. Counselors. Someone trained to help.

Okay, I am exhausted. Last night I went to bed around midnight and woke up this morning at 5am.

I am saying all my prayers that Irma takes a big turn back into the ocean as we have a lot of friends and I have many ex coworkers who live their. Also, many of Elijah's precious belongings are still in storage there, and I can't say I am ready to part ways with them--especially in such a tragic situation.

Sending love to you all.

Please continue to pray for our world. Pray for our country. Pray for our families. Pray for me. Pray for you! And always always pray for my sweet Elijah.

Thank you.

Thank you for sending me such sweet signs today.
They make things easier, and I know you are there--
but I still miss you all the same.
It is just hard.
I love and miss you so much my boogie.

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