Friday, October 6, 2017

757: Kelly For President???

It is 9:47am

So this morning I was playing around with the idea of running for president in the next election as a documentary type learning experience. I don't actually think I would win, and that really would not be the goal. 

My campaign would obviously be about kindness and compassion, and my "tour" would be in various soup kitchens and places where my family could volunteer. All funds raised would go back into communities (except for some that would be needed to travel). 

It would be like Jessica Simpson in "Newly Weds" eating Tuna Fish, because if I am going to be totally honest with you I know VERY little about how our government works lol. (yes I realize that is sad but my high school Civics class was taught by a football coach who didn't really care about my learning experience)... 

HOWEVER, the advantage point in me learning through the process is that other people would learn more about our government in the process.
What are your thoughts, ideas, and I guess opinions about I am interested to hear. (Please not that even if I ask for your thoughts, it doesn't mean I HAVE to agree with them).

Would any of you watch something like this?

(And yes...this was originally a Facebook Post. And yes, I took it down so that I could make it a blog, because I am being very lazy today lol.)

ALSO, just because I have the idea right now does not mean I will go through with it. I have no idea where I will be next week, let alone when it would become time to announce a campaign.  I am just daydreaming, because it is what I do best :P And if I don't do this-I would love to see it done. Which one of you is up to the challenge? 

The boys and I are about to have circle time and then get ready for a full day of playground and library time. Hope you all have a fabulous Friday.

Last night I was so tired I forgot to add my Pregnancy and Infant Loss Awareness Month information, but today I remembered so here it is! 

Continued from The Compassionate Friends brochure about Stillbirth, Miscarriage, and Infant Death:

"Surge of Hormones:
Many Mothers are constantly reminded of the death by a surge of hormones in their bodies after a miscarriage or stillbirth, and even after an infant dies that was being nursed. It is important to know that these hormones can trigger a roller coaster ride of emotions including depression and anxiety that can last weeks or months. These hormones and their effects can complicate the grieving process." 

Okay everyone. Thank you as always for entertaining my crazy ideas and being supportive. Hope you all have a beautiful day. Amazing things are happening out there, slow down and take notice. You deserve all the happiness in the world. I love you all.

Please keep praying for our world. Pray for our country. Pray for our world. Pray for our hearts. Pray for our minds. Pray for our souls. And Always always pray for my sweet Elijah.

Thank you.

Run for president? 
Maybe? Maybe not.
I think I would be happy just spreading kindness in your name forever.
My brain has big ideas sometimes,
but today I am just happy to be your momma
and do what I can to change the world in your name.
I love and miss you so much Elijah.

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