Sunday, October 8, 2017

759: Template

It is 7:55pm.

I have no idea what I did to my blog page lol.  I was trying to try a new format or template and instead of just previewing, I accidentally changed it and then it just got out of control. Earlier I had a giant cat picture that I couldn't get rid of lol, so this is a little bit better I guess.....Just bare with me while I try to make a few changes. This is not a end product...

This is what I get for trying to do "work" when I am supposed to be resting. :p

Anyways, this morning I did rest a little bit and watched some more world religion YouTube videos- specifically creation stories. It led to some ideas that hopefully I will be able to use with my novel.

Levi keeps asking me when I am going to get back to writing it because we need all the millions I am going to make lol. But lately when I sit down at it I draw a blank and it stresses me out. I don't know if I just need to push through it, or give it time. But hopefully by the end of this week I will have copies of all my children's books ready to sell to the stores around town and at Farmer's Market.

I need to find someway to advertise...I hate giving Facebook money to get the word out, but I think that is what I am going to have to do. It helped last year, hopefully it helps this year. I will shell out the money after Farmer's Market next weekend.  I need to make some money back after all the money I have already spent. It is like a never ending cycle of investing and hoping for a pay off.

I am just ready to see some mountains, see some sunshine and waterfalls, and enjoy life.

We are getting there. I will just enjoy the climb in the mean time.

Sending you all love. Have a beautiful night.


OH crap! I'm sorry guys, I keep forgetting to add my Pregnancy and Infant Loss awareness info...

Here is a continuance from The Compassionate Friends brochure on Stillbirth, Miscarriage, and Infant Death:

"The Impact of Grief on Marriage:

The reaction of the death of a baby is as individual as the person experiencing it. Spouses or partners often grieve in different ways,  frequently misunderstanding each other's reactions or needs. You may be reluctant to express feelings of sadness when your partner has had a "good day" or vice versa. Some partners may not want to talk about the death, yet still feel comfortable when the other needs to do so.

Though many parents feel they must be "strong" for others in the family by not crying, doing so stops a natural reaction. Tears are a tribute to the child who has died and a healthy release.

Grieving is emotionally, physically, and mentally exhausting and leaves little energy for anything else, including communication between spouses. While a shared grief brings many couples closer together, care must be taken to preserve relationships. Understand that the bonding between each parent and the baby may be at different levels, causing grief of different intensities. Share your feelings while keeping in mind that outward expressions of grief may indicate only a portion of what a person is feeling inside.

Husbands and wives may react differently to intimacy as well. While one parent may need and seek this closeness and the assurance that not everything has changed, the other partner may take the suggestion of intimacy as an affront, not understanding how anyone could think of intimacy when a baby has died. Recognize that these reactions are normal. With time and patience, most couples reestablish intimacy when both feel ready.

It is important for couples to understand that there are no simple solutions to these problems, no timetable or recipe for recovery. Every effort should be made to share what you are feeling. Your relationship may be uncomfortable for a while as you cope with these intense feelings and emotions."

Alright thanks for your patience with me. I really have the best intentions, but my head and heart are always all over the place....

Please keep praying for our world. Pray for our families. Pray for our hearts. Pray for our minds. Pray for our souls. Pray for you. Pray for me. And always always pray for my sweet Elijah.

Oh sweet boy.
You know what.
Even if I don't make a dime off these books,
I will be so happy that your name will once again
be in hundreds of peoples' hands.
I love and miss you so much.

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