Friday, October 20, 2017

771: Wild Wind

It is 11:09pm.

I, as usual, should be in bed.

Today was another busy day, but I did manage to find a little bit of time to work on a new YouTube intro!

My next goal is to get a nicer logo pic and banner and start making videos consistently again. But for now, I am really happy with how the new introduction video turned out. Always be thankful for what you have and what you accomplished!

Tomorrow is another Farmer's Market, and I am really excited! I love the Farmer's Market. It is so fun to speak to new people about my books, about Elijah, and about all the interesting things happening around town right now.

Better get some sleep!!! 

Sending you all sweet dreams. Don't forget to make time everyday for your dreams. And be thankful for the things you have. I love you all.

Please keep praying for our world. Pray for our earth. Pray for our families. Pray for our children. Pray for the homeless. Pray for the hurt. Pray for the hungry. Pray for the sad. Pray for the lonely. Pray for our hearts. Pray for our minds. Pray for our bodies. Pray for peace. Pray for joy. Pray for you. Pray for me. And always always, pray for my sweet Elijah.

Thank you!

What ever direction this wild wind blows us,
just know that we are doing our best to honor you.
We love and miss you so much.

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