Sunday, October 29, 2017

780: want something

it is 9:08pm

Not a lot to say tonight. Gabriel has run my battery down to the red and it is probably time to go to bed anyways.

The kids are still sick so keep sending love and prayers!

Do something for yourself today: take out a notebook or a piece of paper and write down everything you want. Even down to the little stuff like a candy bar. Then start working towards each of those wants. You can do it one at a time so that you are not overwhelmed, but the more you are able to check off that list, the better motivated you will be to work towards other things on the list. I have been working on writing my list. It is kind of redundant in ways, but my first 3 items are a happy and healthy me, happy and healthy children, and a happy and healthy husband. Of course, changing the world for Elijah is also on that list ;)

Alright everyone. Good night.

What I want more than anything is you back in my arms.
I love and miss you so much Elijah.

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