Monday, October 30, 2017

781: How Do You Keep Your Feet on The Ground?

It is 12:13pm.

Last night I got 4 hours of sleep....

Last night I also went to bed crying.

Neither of these were anybody's fault but my own.

Sometimes I want answers right away, and I grow impatient and it turns into this overwhelming sense of hopelessness.

The fact is our life is a hot mess right now. A beautiful hot mess, but it is still a hot hot mess. I don't want to go into all the specifics but it really has a lot to do with our living situation. Not the bus--we ALL love the bus. It is just the location of the bus and us being separated as a family so that we can pursue our dreams and passions--when ideally we should all be living in the same place pursuing our dreams and passions.

Last night we had a talk about what we should do with the bus. And last night, we decided that we have to know 100% that the bus is able to move and be moved before we spend anymore money or time trying to renovate it. So I started to stress...and then stress turned into crying...and well you get the picture.

You guys, I love this bus. I want it to be our home. But it has been sitting, literally stuck in my dad's since February. This is not good for the tires or the engine--and bus tires are expensive. Speaking of bus tires, we still have one off the rim and I don't know if it is fixable or not.

Also, we bought a new battery about a month ago, but when I "put it in" the bus decided that it would no longer start... Now, I don't know if I did something wrong, or if there is something wrong somewhere else in the bus, and I don't have any knowledge of diesel engines.

But what I do know that is I am tired of sitting still. I am ready for my family to live together in a place where we can ALL pursue our dreams LIVING TOGETHER IN THE BUS! So,  I am taking action. (Levi is too, he is just stuck in Shreveport this week running the gym in the mornings and teaching private lessons). Right now I am charging batteries, praying for miracles, and staying positive.

We have a bottle jack, and sometime tin the next couple of days we will get this tire looked at.

I will have this bus moving (like just down the road and back), by the end of this week. I am not excepting anything else.

But right now, I have to go to my last physical therapy appointment, and pump up some Sara Evans! (No, I'm not 100% better. This is just the last one my insurance will pay for lol).

Sending you guys all love. NEVER give up on your dreams. You are worth them.

Please keep praying for our world. Pray for our earth. Pray for our families. Pray for our children. Pray for peace. Pray for love. Pray for joy. And always always pray for our sweet Elijah. Thank you.

Send us some love and some encouragement Elijah.
We just want to live an amazing life while honoring you.
We love and miss you so much.

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