Wednesday, November 1, 2017

783: This is My December

It is 9:46am.

We are staying in a hotel for the next couple of days in Shreveport with Levi. I needed the extra help with all the kids being sick. I haven't been feeling that well either.

Today in the start of November. I am not sure why, but I don't usually participate in the every day of thanks via social media. However, with these last few days being so funky I figured today would be a good day to start.

So for Day one of thanks, or whatever, I am thankful for my family. That includes Levi, Alex, Julien, Gabriel, Elijah, the squirrel, the cats, and all those who love us and accept us even when we are not the most conventional bunch. Because without you guys, I would not make it through the funk.

Also, November is National Novel Writing Month, and I really need to work on mine...

But before I get to it, I wanted to share this daily meditation I read this morning. I shared it on Facebook, but I loved it so much I wanted to include it in my blog. I want it in print somewhere or in a tattoo (although it is really long lol):

“Arctic breath coils the mountain, Rattling the forests’ bones. Raindrops cling to branches: Jeweled adornment flung to earth. Trees in winter lose their leaves. Some trees may even fall during storms, but most stand patiently and bear their fortune. They endure rain, snow, wind, and cold. They bear the adornment of glycerin raindrops, glimmering icicles, or crowns of snow without care. They are not concerned when such lustrous splendor is dashed to the ground. They stand, and they wait, the power of their growth apparently dormant. But inside, a burgeoning is building imperceptibly. Theirs is the forbearance of being true to their inner natures. It is with this power that they withstand both the vicissitudes and adornment of life, for neither bad fortune nor good fortune will alter what they are. We should be the same way. We may have great fortune or bad, but we should patiently bear both. No matter what, we must always be true to our inner selves.”

After all the doubt lately over our living situation, and our finances kind of at a standstill I needed this reminder of patience. Being true to your inner self does not mean everything comes easy or in the time you want it to. We are still in the middle of our "December." Elijah's death feels so far away but still so new. We are still surviving, day by day, moment by moment. We are some pretty damn strong trees, even when we feel the cold full force some days.

Alright, whatever November means to you guys have a happy one. Sending you all lots of love.

Please keep praying for our world. Pray for our earth. Pray for our families. Pray for our children. Pray for hope. Pray for peace. Pray for joy. Pray for love. Pray for you. Pray for me. And always always pray for my sweet sweet Elijah.

Thank you

"This is my December.
These are my snow covered trees."
While we stand tall,
we feel the snow that fills your absence.
We love and miss you so much Elijah.

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