Tuesday, November 7, 2017

789: $7 Steak

It is 6:23pm.

You wanna make my dad happy? Feed him steak.

Want to make him really happy? Tell him you got a 3 pack of ribeye steaks for $7 on quick-sale lol. He has been talking about it all night--but I guess it was a really good deal lol (and yes, they were good...very good).

--Like seriously you guys, my dad even called people to tell them about this $7 steak lol--

Today has been so nice. No appointments. No "work." No anything. Just some very much needed time catching up on learning and spending time with the kids.

Because sometimes, you need to just "be."

As much as I LOVE adventure and excitement, I have been gone for what seems like forever because I was either trying to make money cleaning houses, or going to see doctors for my neck/shoulders/mental health, or whatever madness that has seeped into my life, and that is NOT the kind of excitement I am craving lol.

I crave random road trips with my children. A walk in the woods. Missions of kindness. Time with family. Adventures of the happy kind.

And today's $7 steak adventure was everything and more.

Here is an "old" pic of me and my dad...just for funsies.

Alright dudes (and dudettes), I hope you are also finding joy today, but now I've got a kid to bathe. Gabriel decided it would be fun to stick a candy cane in his hair. Merry Christmas? Oh boy...lol.

Sending you lots and lots of love and clean hair! Have a beautiful evening. Enjoy those happy moments in life. Especially a good $7 steak find to share with your dad.

Please keep praying for our world. Pray for our earth. Pray for our families. Pray for our children. Pray for hope. Pray for peace. Pray for love. Pray for you. Pray for me. And always always pray for my sweet sweet Elijah. 

Thank you.

Oh sweet sweet boy.
What a special sign I found from you today.
Have you made a friend?
I think of you always.
Your love is everywhere.
Love and miss you my boogie!
Keep shining down.

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